All persons that will be in direct contact with a horse on the property must fill out an assumption of liability release. If under 18 years old, this must be filled out by both parents or legal guardian(s). Visiting friends must also provide a completed assumption of liability. The assumption of liability form is available under the forms tab at the top of this page for your convenience.
Please call at least 24 hours before you class to cancel a lesson. If you do not call to cancel you will be expected to pay for the lesson. Continual absences, rescheduling, no shows, or no cancellation calls will result in the loss of your lesson spot. For calls of less than 24 hours, a make up lesson may be granted at the discretion of the instructor based on the student’s attendance record.
Riders should arrive on time and with proper attired. The lesson period of a tardy student may be shortened if running the full length interferes with another client. All riders must wear long pants (no capris or shorts), closed-toed shoes, and an SEI approved riding helmet. Family and friends must also wear closed-toed shoes for safety.
Students are expected to attend their scheduled lessons regularly. Multiple absences may result in the loss of your place in class. We do our best to keep classes running on time. Late classes may affect the class schedule for the remainder of the day. Animal related issues sometimes necessitate delays. Farm delayed lessons will run their full length.
All lessons are to be scheduled in advance. Payment is to be made before you ride. Parents, please do not drop students off without payment.
Pony Pals and Walk-Trot students should arrive at least 10 minutes before class time. Instructors with beginners cannot leave their students once there are horses in the ring so please be on time. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you will not be able to ride and you will be expected to pay for the class.
Please arrive between 20 – 30 minutes before class to groom and saddle your horse.
Please arrive early enough to tack your horse, warm up, and be ready to work by the beginning of your lesson time.
See individual camp refund policy. Refunds are not issued for riding lessons and gift certificates. Boarding refunds are only issued if management asks customer to leave. Refund would then be prorated by the month. All horses are sold as is and no refunds are given.
Windermere Equestrian Center collects information when you sign up for lessons. This information is kept strictly confidential and is used solely for billing purposes. We reserve the right to send you emails regarding pricing or schedule changes and upcoming events at Windermere Equestrian Center.
General Policies | |